strategic objectives
Advocate for the transformational power of music performance training and its impacts on confidence, creativity, emotional health, social development, and success and fulfillment in life
Fund scholarships to both students and music educators for music performance training
Provide resource materials and outreach to public schools and community education organizations
Present life-changing performance and touring opportunities for youth that give them access to some of the biggest names in music
short-term goals (1-3 years):
• Provide $250,000 per year in student music scholarships
• Expand in-school clinics to 60 per year
• Offer two (2) educator training workshops per year for Utah educators
• Establish meaningful partnerships with industry-leading companies and organizations
Long-term goals (4-5 years):
• Provide $350,000 per year in student music scholarships
• Complete new music education curriculum focused on contemporary music
• Provide training opportunities to educators from across the country
• Fund a Foundation endowment that provides for operational and programmatic expenses